Today we are very happy to feature R&P author:
Amanda C. Stone as she talks about her favorite pet as promotion for the
Kritter Tales Anthology which she is a part of. We are really excited to turn the blog over to Amanda. One person who comments on this blog with a fond memory of their pet or a pet or animal they've always wanted or liked and why will win a free copy of the anthology. So make sure you leave your comment, name, and email below. And sign-up for our newsletter as well. Amanda, take it away!
My Favorite Pet

When I was in college I became the owner of three pets at once when I wasn’t really looking for a pet in the first place. It was especially strange because I can’t have most pets. See, I’m allergic to all things cute and cuddly. It’s quite the tragedy since I happen to love all things cute and cuddly, I just have to do it from a distance.
A girl in the same organization as me said she had some pet turtles that she couldn’t keep anymore, but couldn’t just release them into the wild. Once I found out the animals in question were turtles, I immediately offered to take them. Turtles just happen to be my favorite animal. We worked out a good time for me to come pick them up and went our separate ways.
The time finally arrived to go pick up the turtles. I did a quick YahooMaps driving directions search and

printed it out. Since this was well before the time of Google and GPS, I didn’t know I’d have to drive over an hour and a half each way to get my new pets. I drove all the way out to her house, collected the three turtles that were larger than I expected, and drove all the way back home. Of course I drove even slower on the way home because I didn’t want any harm to come to my new babies.
I set up their tank in my room, took a trip to the pet store to get some new fake plants for their habitat and food for them to eat. I was set to be a responsible pet owner. However, I had forgotten one important part. The name! They didn’t have names when I got them so I could name them whatever I wanted. Being me, I agonized over what to name them. A full week later I had the perfect names for all three. Alfred, Baldo and Charlie.
I had one month of blissful pet turtle ownership. Until one day my roommate suggested taking the turtles to the vet. Just to make sure there wasn’t anything I should be doing that I wasn’t, kind of like a regular well exam we’d get.

Thinking it was a great suggestion, I checked into the local veterinarians to find one that could handle reptiles, and made an appointment.
Once it was time to take Alfred, Baldo, and Charlie to the vets, I got their tank ready for travel, packed them in the car and was on my way. It was a little nerve wracking in the waiting room since everyone gave me strange looks while I sat there with my turtle tank. What I didn’t know was the worst part came when I went into the office. I found out the turtles I had were on the endangered species list for the state where I lived and I could not keep them. The vet was very nice and helped me find a wildlife center that would take the turtles. She also worked out where I was allowed to go into the back to be there when they arrived and see them one last time before they were taken care of by professionals. I went back a few years later and learned my beloved friends were released back into the wild where they were living the high life.
Amanda C. Stone
Armed with her Batman notebook, fourth grade Amanda C. Stone was ready to start writing stories about unicorns, family members, and her imaginary friends Pink Amanda and Blue Amanda. Today, Amanda is armed with a new notebook, along with a laptop, and a never ending supply of caffeine. Her stories are about all kinds of things, but the most important aspect is people falling in love.
All Guy Fox wanted was a jog, but Maximilian Cranston and his prairie dog stop him in his tracks. The next few months are filled with romance and miscommunication. But when potential loss tests their relationship they’ll discover what’s truly important.
Read all about Guy, Maximilian, and Princess Twinkle Buttons in the Kritter Tales Anthology now available in the
R&P store and for pre-order on (
other 3rd party sites.